Thursday, October 22, 2009

Frustration On The Homefront And Why I Don't Homeschool

Elijah will be 5 in December. The boy is just a smartie and he is bored at home. I don't blame him. I wish we had a fenced in yard where I could send him outside to play. But we don't. So we try and work with it.

Monday I decided I would teach him the alphabet and figured I might as well teach Lydia (almost 3) at the same time. So I find an "alphabet book" online that I could print off. They color the "A" and then glue an upper case and lower case "Aa" onto the picture. When they complete all the pages, they color the title page, assemble the book, and voila, their very own alphabet book. I intentionally chose to do this while Abigail was home on Monday evening because I thought she would enjoy helping me teach the other children. It went over fabulously! They loved it. We learned "A stands for apple A, A, A" and they had loads of fun.

Tuesday I was so sick and we didn't do our letter.

Yesterday, both were bored so I decided we would now learn the letter "B". Well Elijah did not WANT to learn the letter "B". He fought me the whole time. While Lydia was learning "B is for boat", Elijah was doing his level best to destroy his coloring page and fight me every step of the way.

So our "school session" yesterday ended with Elijah's "B" paper being thrown into the garbage and an affirmation in my heart that if I had to home school my children they would be idiots!!

Today, Lydia will learn that "C is for cat - C, C, C".


  1. IF He called you to it you'd be able to do it I promise ;)

    It's just not your calling out though the things I have said I could NEVER do somehow *I* was the one called to it LOL!!!

  2. God doesn't make me do it now because he knows its completely beyond me!!
